Coordination comittee
September 2021 – March 2023
Nina Amelung (chair)
Silvan Pollozek (chair)
Olga Usachova (chair)
Vasilis Argyirou
Andrea Berger
Lisa Borelli
Mara Clemente
Arely Cruz-Santiago
Vasilis Galis
Ivan Josipovic
Thea Kirsch
Vasiliki Makrygianni
Emelin de Oliveira
Paul Trauttmansdorff
Aristotle Tympas
Maria Ullrich
Wouter Van Rossem
Dimitri van den Meerssche
Jasper van der Kist
Matthias Wienroth
Members A-Z
Nina Amelung
Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS)
Institute of Social Science (ICS), Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Projects/activities: Affected (non)publics: Social and political implications of transnational biometric databases in migration and crime control (AFFECT)
Willian Fernandes Araujo
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
University of Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC)
Mona Aviat
Projects/activities: PhD Thesis: Frontex and the use of new technological practices for border control practices
Inken Bartels
Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies, University of Osnabrück
Projects/activities: What counts? The statistical production of knowledge on migration in West Africa
Clemens Binder
University of Vienna / Austrian Institute for International Affairs
Projects/activities: The Politics of Research and Development in Border Security
Annett Bochmann
Projects/activities: Border Infrastructure and Materiality, Mobilisation and Immobilisation in Interaction
Lisa Marie Borrelli
Projects/activities: nccr – on the move
Inês Cisneiros
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of NOVA
University of Lisbon (FCSH-UNL) School of Law of the University of Lisbon
Projects/activities: Present Democracy for Future Generations.
Mara Clemente
Projects/activities: The articulation of anti-trafficking regimes in Mediterranean Europe. Actors, discourses and representations
Arely Cruz-Santiago
Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology Department University of Exeter Projects/activities: The (in)visibility of the border
Paola Diaz-Lize
IC Migrations CEMS-EHESS-France, COES-Chile
Projects/activities: Border Assemblages in Sonora Desert Devices of factualization of death and disappearance at the borders (Mexico-US/ Europe)
Nina Dewi Toft Djanegara
Department of Anthropology, Stanford University
Projects/activities: "Taken at Face Value: Facial Recognition Technology and the Cultural Politics of Identity"
Susana Ferreira
Projects/activities: Data Justice in Mexico’s Multiveillant Society
Vasilis Galis
Technologies in Practice research group , IT University of Copenhagen
Projects/actvities: DIGINAUTS Center for Digital Welfare
Gaia Giuliani
Centro de Estudos Sociais, University of Coimbra
Projects/actvities: (De)OTHERING - Deconstructing Risk and Otherness (2018-21)
COST Action “Decolonising Development” (2020-24)
DECODEM-(De)Coding Masculinities in Portugal (2018-21) InteRGRace - Interdisciplinary Research Group on Race and
Racisms Il Razzismo è una brutta storia
Georgios Glouftsios
School of International Studies University of Trento
Monamie Bhadra Haines
Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Projects/activities: Singapore’s Surveillance Experiments on Low-Wage Migrant Worker Dormitories Internal Energy Borderlands: Migrant Energy Cultures and the Smart Grid in Denmark
Sylvana Jahre
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Freie Universität Berlin
Projects/activities: PhD Project on epistemic practices in urban migration policy
Huzeyfe Kıran
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Projects/activities: Brothers in Exile: The Lives of Gülen Movement Affiliates in Athens
Asli Kandemir
University of Southern California Projects/activities: Making up the Predictable Border
Jasper van der Kist
University of Manchester
Projects/activities: Knowing Asylum Seekers: The chain of country of origin information
Laura Lambert
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
Projects/actvities: (Re)Doing Asylum in Externalization Policies: The Case of Niger
Matthias Leese
Department of Humanities, Political and Social Sciences ETH Zurich
Projects/activities: CURATE
Martin Lemberg-Pedersen
Global Refugee Studies, Aalborg University
Projects/activities: The Marketization of Displacement, Advancing Alternative Migration Governance
Koen Leurs
Chair Diaspora, Migration and the Media section, ECREA Netherlands Institute of Advanced Studies Utrecht University
Projects/activities: Digital Migration (bookproject) Media literacy through Making Media
Jiaqi M. Liu
University of California, San Diego
Projects/activities: State power beyond the state: Digital infrastructures and China’s diaspora governance during the Covid-19 pandemic
Claire Loughnan
Projects/activities: Comparative Network on the Externalisation of Refugee Policies
Alphonica Lyamuya
University of Southern California
Projects/activities: Making up the Predictable Border
Choo Chin Low
History Department, School of Distance Education Universiti Sains Malaysia
Projects/activities: Digitalisation and Fair Migration
Marcela Ceballos Medina
Instituto Pensar de la Universidad Javeriana, Colombia
Projects/activities: Trayectorias Migratorias de sectores empresariales de Venezuela radicados en Bogotá, y sus vínculos al activismo político (1990-2018)
Fredy Mora Gámez
University of Vienna (Austria) / Linköping University (Sweden)
Projects/activities: Calculating Migration: A multisited ethnography of algorithmic governance and relocation and redistribution keys Tracing "alternative" and mobile infrastructures of care
Mahgol Motalebi
Projects/activities: Immigrant's home in the making through spatial practice
Dimitri Van Den Meerssche
Edinburgh University / Asser Institute
Projects/activities: Infra-Legalities: Global Security Infrastructures, Artificial Intelligence and International Law
Lucia Nalbandian
University of Toronto, Research Affiliate at the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration Program at Toronto Metropolitan University
Projects/activities: Exploring the use of emerging technologies in migration management.
Fernando Neira Orjuela
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México
Projects/activities: Border control policies and the use of biometric programs: the case of Chile, Colombia and Mexico
Sabine Netz
Department of Anthropology, University of Bayreuth
Projects/activities: How Age Makes a Difference: Practices of Classification, Belonging and Political Subjectivity Among Young Refugees in Germany
Emellin de Oliveira
Projects/activities: NOVA Refugee Legal Clinic
Eva Ottavy
La Cimade (nonprofit)/Colibri center for human rights
Projects/activities: Death and disappearance at US Mexico border
Derya Ozkul
University of Oxford
Projects/activities: Algorithmic Fairness for Asylum Seekers and Migrants
Evie Papada
Projects/activities: Digitalisation of policing and urban public space
Andrés Pereira
Instituto de Estudios Sociales - CONICET / Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos
Projects/activities: Border security and subnational security public policy: technologies, bureaucracies and national and provincial political actors in Entre Ríos
Annalisa Pelizza
Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies, University of Bologna, University of Twente
Projects/activities: Processing Citizenship,
Ildokó Plájás
Projects/activities: Security Vision: The Security Politics of Computer Vision
Silvan Pollozek
European New School of Digital Studies,
European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
Projects/activities: Calculating Migration
Rogier van Reekum
Projects/activities: Accounting for migration
Wouter Van Rossem
Science, Technology and Policy Studies, University of Twente
Projects/activities: Processing Citizenship
Joana Sousa Ribeiro
Centre for Social Studies,
University of Coimbra
Projects/activities: ITM - Inter Thematic group on Migration
Carolina Sanchez Boe
IMC - Aarhus University; Cerlis-Universitè de Paris Cité
Projects/activities: Digital Confinement
Philipp Schäfer
Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS), University of Osnabrück
Projects/activities: The Production of Police Knowledge on Migration
Stephan Scheel
Professor for Political Sociology, Leuphana University Lüneburg
Projects/activities: The Politics of (Non)Knowledge in the (Un)Making of Migration
Tim Schütz
Department of Anthropology University of California Irvine
Projects/activities: Disaster STS Network , Quotidian Anthropocene, Archiving for the Anthropocene
Laura Stielike
Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS), University of Osnabrueck
Projects/activities: Big Data, Migration Governance and the Production of Knowledge
Moé Suzuki
University of East Anglia
Projects/activities: VR technology and displacement
Paul Trauttmansdorff
Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies, University of Bologna
Projects/activities: Processing Citizenship: Digital registration of migrants as co-production of citizens, territory and Europe
Aristotle Tympas
Department of History and Philosophy of Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Projects/activities: RISK CHANGE
Olga Usachova
PhD student in Social Sciences, Interactions, Communications and Cultural Constructions Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology (FISPPA) University of Padua, Italy
Projects/activities: Role and influence of digital technology in social inclusion of forced migrants in host communities
Torsten H. Voigt
RWTH Aachen University
Projects/activities: Truth verification in immigration Technology and airport security
Matthias Wienroth
Centre for Crime and Policing, Northumbria University
Projects/activities: Biometric technologies in security and justice contexts Valuations and validations for biometric technologies
Katharina Wuropulos
Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg
Projects/activities: “Solidarity through Security? Discourses, Interactions and Practices of European Solidarity in the Field of Security”
Lieke M. Wissink
Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research, University of Amsterdam
Projects/activities: Making deportable people / Bureaucratic knowledge practices / Relations of resilience
Astrid Ziebarth
German Marshall Fund of the United States
Projects/activities: Migration Strategy Group (focusing on intersection between tech and migration)