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STS-MigTec Annual Workshop 2022 ONLINE

The STS-MigTec Paper Workshop 2022 invited scholars to present and discuss current work in several panels, to plan future network research activities, and to think about interventions beyond academic research. We invited you to submit your paper proposal, which are concerned with (but not limited to) the following questions:

  • How do migration and border technologies shape transnational migration and border regimes• Which material and epistemic practices manifest or counter migration management/control regimes?

  • What are the material/ontological politics involved and what power effects do such entanglements produce?

  • What data infrastructures of migration and border control emerge; how are these configured alongside intersecting grids of power such as race, gender, sexuality, ability, nationality, age, generation and in which ways are they/can they be contested?

  • What new forms of health and migration surveillance technologies and infrastructures did the Covid-19 global health pandemic trigger which now shape how we ‘see’ migrations and how versions of ‘migrants’ are enacted?

  • How are migrant subjects shaped and affected by migration and border technologies? How do migrant subjects enact, subvert, appropriate them?

  • What role do alternative, interventionist or oppositional technologies and infrastructures enacted by migrant subjects or other actors in solidarity with migrant subjects play?

  • How can we critically and publicly engage with migration and border control technologies and infrastructures? What can the methodological and conceptual repertoire of STS add to engage critically with human rights issues, inequalities, public ignorance linked to migration and border control regimes? What role do science and critical scholars have in that process?

Workshop Discussants

Nina Amelung, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Olga Lafazani, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Silvan Pollozek, European University Viadrina, Germany


Keynote1 (online)

Prof. Amade M’charek (University of Amsterdam)
Beyond Borders: Postcolonial Flows and Forensics as an Art of Paying Attention (abstract)
Wednesday, February 16, 14.-16.00 CET (online)


Conference program: please find here

Organizing Team

Olga Usachova, Nina Amelung, Silvan Pollozek, Aristotle Tympas, Georgios Glouftsios, Maria Ullrich, Ana Visan, Vasiliki Makrygianni, Jasper Van Der Kist, Koen Leurs

About the event

The STS-MIGTEC Paper Workshops invite scholars to present and discuss current work in several panels, to plan future network research activities, and to think about interventions beyond academic research. The network organizes annual workshop, which are bigger events with several thematic and open panels and keynotes, as well as workshops for specific funding and publication projects.

January 27

STS-MigTec Circle: The Harms of Biometrics

March 31

STS-MigTec Circle: Making up the Predictable Border